Xmas Pictorial Musings

A quick blog post. This year I decorated sparsely, at least for me…being in the hospital for a few days a few weeks ago threw me. It really put a stick in my bicycle spokes, so to speak… I decorated the front door, in a weird but bright way.


I also got around to hanging cards up, albeit not so neatly…


My little tree outside has some lights on it…and here it is, sans its beautiful partner which was chopped down over the summer. See it’s lovely shadow.


See the stump there….Speaking of my departed (murdered Maple), I lined some of the chopped pieces along the driveway, and stuck in candy canes.


The effect pleases me.

Bruised my foot moving the logs…

I suppose the decorating style I’m going for this year is: Barely Bothered. I even chose a small Norfolk pine because I can enjoy it all year.


Note the cat scratching cardboard to the left, and a spool of wire the cats chew on. So far so good with keeping them away from the tree. When my grandson was over on Thanksgiving, he made me these foil men. Aren’t they great? That’s a repurposing of foil left from Thanksgiving.


I came across this anonymous deed in a post by aspergersadie. Someone leaving warm clothing around town, attached to posts! Isn’t that the spirit. 🙂


I started doing a little research into my biological father (I was adopted at birth) and found this lovely old news item, apparently he raised roosters.


Gordon Ramsey came to our small town on the hush-hush. It’s the show (Hell on Wheels?) where he surprises the restaurant with a makeover (after outing them with hidden camera footage. ) then comes the reveal where local diners sit and eat and review the new menu and restaurant design. My son and his girlfriend and many members of my late spouse Howie’s family are in the show. They all signed releases and it should air sometime when the new season starts. There were cameras everywhere and they saw Gordon Ramsey as seen in this photo. A house I used to live in is next door from this restaurant.

I wasn’t there, but I can imagine what he’s saying when the photo was taken: “You’ve got a beautiful view of the water here, let’s get that right…”


I did this quick iPad art.


Here I am at age 14, the age I was when my best friend and I would pretend to be Laverne and Shirley. I was Shirley. We strted calling each other Clutsy and Gutsy because those were the characters’ nicknames on the show. I was Clutsy. RIP to Penny. I had a doll named Penny. There was a character on Lost In Space with that name. I’m talking about the original that aired on TV each week.


I almost forgot- I also put this snowflake on the front door. It was originally on the table at my son’s wedding in October. So I’ve repurposed it here and I plan to repurpose it again because I have a paper mache angel for my Norfolk pine that is in need of wings. Hoping to get in some collage this weekend, in need of an art fix. I’ve got some BEAUTIFUL paper arriving the mail soon, a gift to my self.

I’ll leave you with this. I designed the cover for Samantha Craft’s book Everyday Aspergers. It just went international. You should google it! I can’t wait to get my copy. I designed the backcover so if you flip it over, the lady is emerging from a cocoon.


Happy holiday season!


one more photo. I’ll leave it right here because I’m just so happy to see him so happy these days.

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