My Podcast Episode 37 at Different Brains Spectrumly Speaking

Hello all. I’ve had a productive month of ups and downs, just getting over shingles actually. I’m feeling better.

I hope to post actual WRITING here soon, instead of updates. But I wanted to mention the podcast interview that aired today. Link follows this post.

I’ve been doing a lot of software work, digital art, and goal setting as well as consulting with a few students at Lesley College.

And reading. I read to help me wind down and sleep better. Never on a device. Only on paper as I’m afraid a book reading device would keep me awake. The book I’m reading now is so darn heavy! I don’t mind a long book at all, when it’s a good one.

I decided to finally read the GIGANTIC book by Stephen King and his son (novelist) Owen King, called Sleeping Beauties.

I found it depressing at first, as it goes inside men’s heads for all the nitty and gritty I don’t care to visit, but the writing, when not overly long in places, shines here and there.

Like this description of a grayish brownish moth:

It was a living color of mute.

I like that. Actually I love that description. Another thing I was amused by is its subtle almost hidden references to today’s times.

A man kneels in the woods before a huge magical tree; for example. But it’s written like this:

He takes a knee.

And ‘dreamers’ are mentioned in an offhand context about sleeping sickness. Also there is a reference to Me Too. However, not in an obvious way.

I decided to paint plastic eggs. The paint did not adhere! It flaked off. But I had fun doing it. The idea was to hot glue them into a wreath for the front door. Fail!

I’m googling Easter desserts as of late. I still don’t know what to make.

If you visit that link after you read this post, it shows lots of ideas. I’ll post pictures if I decide on what to make.

My fluffy kitten was spayed Saturday. She’s doing well. See this fb post:

My podcast with Becca and Catherine aired today (March 26, 2018). I believe I said the word “amazing” too much! Anyway Katherine Cody and Becca Lory chat a few minutes, and then I come in. It’s episode 37.

that’s all for now!


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