Help… I’m drowning in Paper!

Hi folks, if you follow my blog-then you know I’m rarely idle. I encourage you to share this post. There was a time I did not want my artwork seen and in a way, that’s still the case, believe it or not. It’s hard to hit “send” when I share it.

I talk about my journey in art, in the book Firsts:

I’ll not say I’m “lucky” to have these opportunities because I’ve worked very hard on both my arts and writing. I’m also working hard in software and I let a parttime job go to pursue this. I’m between projects now and here’s my question:

If you know anyone, or you yourself are interested in a “personalized” collage, done from pictures you supply, and are willing to pay $200 for this service, please give me a shout at

Here’s an example of that:

The paintings and collages I have for sale are between $200 and $400. Here they are although I have others as well but it is hard to let works go:

So there you have it. What you see here was total immersion. Probably over 300 hours of work.

Share if you know anyone seeking artwork. I can offer prints but because they are high quality they would be $200 depending on size.

Tomorrow I have an online face to face video meeting with Paul and Marcelle about the cover of Everyday Aspergers, a contest I won. It’s in a 2nd printing and being a bestseller, I am so humbled and happy to be a part of it in this way.

In other news, I’m published on The Mighty.

I continue to push peaceful intent into everything I do, whether that is art (my therapy, my saving grace) or writing (also my therapy and also my communication, which come to think of it- my art is communication too.)

I believe I’m very empathic with nature and possess a connectedness with trees in particular. Even if you are not in the market to own art I hope you have enjoying perusing my output.

Well..back to the drawing board. And I mean that literally.

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